Saturday, August 23, 2008


I've been known to my friends to be a relatively good cook.

My mother is of cos, pleased with her own dotter's cooking expertise.
My hubby, needless to say, enjoys every single thing I cook.. even if it's made from canned soup.
My dad... always wondering how come his dotter can come up with funny-looking fusion foods that he finds it delicious as well..
My brother.... well.. he can always count on his sister to whip out something for him during his bbq/party etc..
My parents-in-law hv been praising their dotter-in-law's cooking skills.. fancy eating home-cooked food that tastes and look like restaurant type. LOL~
My friends? Ha ha ha... anything to do with cooking during a gathering/ bbq... 1st person that comes to mind... ME.
Hey I'm proud of it, okay...

Once I tasted something, I'll always go and search for the recipe.. and attempt to do something similar..

So today... I'm gonna reveal my secret to Shannon's Japanese Curry Rice.
- pork, chopped into cubes (marinated with corn starch, a lil chinese wine, light soya sauce, pepper, sesame oil and mirin)
- onions, chopped into cubes
- potatoes, chopped into cubes
- carrots, chopped into cubes (ok.. today when I cooked, I realised.. there's no carrots left, but u can still put it in lar)
- S&B Golden Curry Sauce Mix (Hot)
- Dunno-how-many-cups-you-want Japanese rice.. I used only pure japanese pearl rice.. bought from giants the other day..
- Japanese crispy chicken for additional side dishes (optional)

What do you do?
Chopped all your ingredients into cubes. If you like it to be circular, rectangular, triangular.. do what u want lar..
Prepare your pot... make sure it's deep enough to contain the sauce.. heat it up

Add oil... then add your chopped onions... sprinkle some salt.. I heard that sprinkling salt to onions will make it sweeter (dunno how true)

Stir fry for a while..

Add in your pork (chicken, beef, lamb whatever)

Fry somemore... at this time, the fire shd be around medium to medium-high

Add in your potatoes.. Remember after cutting your potatoes, you MUST soak them in water with some salt.. You wont wanna see your potatoes turning brown right?

Fry.. fry fry... stir stir stir...

When the pork is almost cooked.... add water... 3/4 to the top... stir somemore..

Then now.. you add the sauce mix to a bowl... add some water from the pot to melt it slightly (it's like chocolate bar)...

Then pour in the sauce mix..

Reduce heat to low.. then stir occassionally...

Your sauce shd be brown colour by now...

I then add in my special ingredient... dried garlic spice blend from The Gourmet Collection (great for the ULTIMATE GARLIC BREAD!!!).. stirred the sauce..

You shd let your sauce simmer... not boiling...

By now, you shd have cooked your rice... if you havent... please go and cook it lar.. you silly bum..

Also go and fry your crispy chicken... once that's done...

Your Japanese Curry sauce shd be ready.. Your onions are already very soft and translucent.. potatoes shd be very soft (use Russet potatoes), carrots also...

Now... just pour over your COOKed rice... add your chicken...

It's done!
Delicious Japanese Curry Rice.. why spend the money when u can do it yourself?!

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